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Password must contain the following:
  • 12 Characters
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Welcome to the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health at the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) application.

Prior to beginning the application, please be sure to review our application overview page.

Note that all times are based on Dublin, Ireland local time (IST, GMT + 1).

     DEADLINE             September 20, 2024 by 5pm IST (GMT+1)


To save your progress, select the checkbox (“save my progress and resume later) at the top of the application page and enter an email and password. To return to a previously saved application, enter the same email and password. Consider writing your statements of purpose in a separate document and transferring the text to the application. Note: Respondents with outdated versions of iOS/Android may experience issues when displaying the form.

Letters of Support

Submission of the online application and letters of support is a multi-step process. Once you submit your application form, letter writers will receive an automated email with a link to submit their letter. PLEASE NOTE: the contacts you include for the letters of support will only be notified after you submit your application, so be sure to submit your application far ahead of the deadline, as letters need to be received before the application deadline.


Two letters of support are required. Applicants are advised to request letters of support from their letter writers early. Applicants are responsible for contacting their preferred letter writers directly and must confirm: 
  • They are willing to write a letter and can submit it online by the deadline. 
  • Their correct email address which is required for this application form. 
  • They understand the Letter Writer Guidelines for Letters of Support.
  • You should request that they complete a draft of the letter when you initially request it from them, as they will only receive the link to submit their letter after you submit your application.

Applicants should independently communicate with their letter writers as to when they should expect to receive the link and confirm that they have received the link after the application has been submitted.  

Applications will be considered incomplete unless all required materials have been submitted by the deadline.

Fondation Alzheimer Partnership

Applicants who wish to be considered for the Fondation Alzheimer and GBHI Partnership for French Citizens will need to provide four letters: one letter from your mentor in France, one letter from your department head, and two letters of support from outside your organization. Partnership-specific questions will appear after the country of citizenship has been indicated

GBHI Site Locations

While much of the core Atlantic Fellows program at GBHI is a shared experience between the founding sites, Trinity College Dublin (Trinity) and University of California, San Francisco (UCSF), there are specific opportunities at Trinity and UCSF that may be aligned with your specific training and career goals. Applicants must select one site for the fellowship-year experience on the application. Learn more about these site opportunities

Questions? Email apply@gbhi.org

Data Policy

GBHI will share data entered into this portal as part of the application process electronically with staff and faculty at the University of California, San Francisco, Trinity College Dublin, and the Fondation Alzheimer.

Application data will be stored and should an applicant be successful, it will be used to support the fellow’s journey throughout the fellowship program and beyond. This data may also be used to support internal programmatic evaluations (i.e. generation of metrics related to applications over time).
Data will be held securely and shared in accordance with relevant data protection laws, as detailed in our privacy policy.

Hidden Fields

To save your progress, select the checkbox (“save my progress and resume later) at the top of the application page and enter an email and password. To return to a previously saved application, enter the same email and password. Consider writing your statements of purpose in a separate document and transferring the text to the application. Note: Respondents with outdated versions of iOS/Android may experience issues when displaying the form.

Please enter your legal name as it appears on official government-issued identification such as a passport.  If another first name or nickname is preferred, it may be indicated in "Preferred Name" field.

Questions? Email apply@gbhi.org
Applicant Contact Information

Background Information

Fondation Alzheimer and GBHI Partnership for French Citizens

Fondation Alzheimer (FA) and GBHI have initiated a special partnership under the umbrella of the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health Program. The program is open to outstanding early career French medical researchers who currently hold or plan to hold a permanent position in a French academic institution. Applications will be evaluated by FA's International Scientific Advisory Board and the GBHI Selection Committee.


Candidates will be selected to participate in the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health at either the University of California, San Francisco (USA) or Trinity College Dublin (Ireland). Upon returning to France, it is expected that the benefits of the immersive training will impact French practices at the individual and moreover global level, and both in the short and long term.

How did you learn about the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health Program at GBHI?

Provide full name of personal or professional contact and the name of their institution.

Optional 2nd Contact:
Provide full name of personal or professional contact and the name of their institution.

Provide name of conference or meeting.

GBHI Host Institutions

Education 1: Highest Level Completed

Education 2 (Optional):

Education 3 (Optional):

Training Background (Optional):
If applicable, add up to two programs such as a post doctorate, residency, fellowship, or other non-degree training program.
Training Background 1 (Optional):

Training Background 2 (Optional):

Professional Background and Experience - Current or Most Recent

Professional Background and Experience - Previous (Optional)

Fields of Occupation/Employment

Please select the primary area/field below that is applicable in your professional work.

Language Proficiency

Please describe your proficiency for other languages if applicable.
Other Language 1 Language Proficiency

Other Language 2 Language Proficiency

Other Language 3 Language Proficiency


Be sure to save your application periodically and consider writing your statements of purpose in a separate document and then transferring them to the application.

Questions? Email apply@gbhi.org
Statements of Purpose
Suggested 75 - 150 words per response.

Letters of Support
Two letters of support are required. 
Please review the letters of support section in our application overview page.

Submission of the online application and letters of support is a multi-step process. Letter writers will receive an automated email with a link to submit their letter immediately after the application is submitted.

Applicants are advised to request letters of support from their letter writers early to confirm that the writer is willing and able to complete a final draft of the letter prior to the deadline and prior to receiving the link. 

Applicants should independently communicate with their writers as to when they should expect to receive the link and confirm that they have received the link after the application has been submitted.  

Applicants should plan to submit their applications BEFORE the deadline to allow sufficient time for their letter writers to submit the letters of support.

Applications will be considered incomplete unless all required materials have been submitted. 

Applicants who wish to be considered for the Fondation Alzheimer and GBHI Partnership for French Citizens will need to submit four letters: one letter from your mentor in France, one letter from your department head, and two letters of support from outside your organization.

Note that the program does not provide application materials to applicants. If you choose not to waive your right, please contact your letter writer directly. Fellow rights and responsibilities are based on institutional policies and local jurisdiction.
Reference 1

Reference 2

Additional Outside Reference 3
For applicants who wish to be considered for the Fondation Alzheimer and GBHI Partnership for French Citizens: Please provide two letters of recommendation outside your current institution.

Additional Outside Reference 4

Curriculum Vitae (CV) or Resume
Please upload a curriculum vitae or resume of no more than four (4) pages using 11-point or larger font.

Supplemental Information (Optional)

Disclaimer and Signature
I certify that my answers are true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. 

I understand that false or misleading information or deliberate omissions in my application or interview may void my application, rendering me ineligible for admission, and if discovered after acceptance, result in my  dismissal from the program.

I understand that the program may at any time seek to inspect or verify information and contacts provided.

I understand that official supporting documentation, including official transcripts may be requested at a later time.

Enter the date that you submit the form.
Review and Finalize

Click Review and Finalize to view your application one last time and make any additional edits as needed.  

If you want to save your application for your own records, copy and paste your responses to another document, save it as PDF, and/or print it before clicking confirm.  You will not be able to access your application after it has been confirmed.  The program does not provide applicants with a copy.